
אוקטובר 31רחוב Fall '23 SSL Changes

We have a new system for issuing and renewing the free included SSL certificates with your hosting-- the certificates are from Let's Encrypt and satisfy basic domain-validated HTTPS connections for browsers like Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Unfortunately these certificates are not automatically generated, but we are able to offer them to all ... לקריאה נוספת »

דצמבר 18חמ Server Option Additions

All of our dedicated servers now give the choices of CloudLinux and Windows 2008/2012 R2 as an OS.We also have added the ability to select Virtualizor and WebSitePanel as optional control panels for Linux and Windows (respectively).These updates are to meet the growing demand of our client needs, and to now provide FOREX hosting via our new site, ... לקריאה נוספת »

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