Armoring Up For Summer 2013!

Last month we launched payment processing for most of our services using Bitcoins. We've written quite a few knowledgebase articles talking about it here: month we've released a brand new online password generation tool. With 7 options available for strength and number of passwords, ... Читать далее »

20чт Май 2013
Global WordPress Attacks

Right now many websites are suffering from brute force WordPress attacks. No website, hosting company, or individual is safe from this, but there are some steps you can take to manage or evade a website hack.First, you should have a new administrator username, not the default "admin". If you're still using "admin", log in, create a new ... Читать далее »

11чт Апр 2013
The EU ePrivacy Directive

While many of our customers are in the United States, a few are outside the US borders and thus some laws apply differently. One such law is the EU ePrivacy Directive (also the "UK Cookie Law") which was developed in 2011. It appears that authorities have begun enforcing the rules, and that gives no reason for you to wait until the day you receive ... Читать далее »

3красный Мар 2013
A look at 2012 for our company!

We merged with to provide VPS services in more than 7 locations world-wide. There are over 80 happy domain names pointed to our hosting. We've launched 3 new services including traffic hits, gift cards, and responsive website design.Our main website received more than 3 million hits in 2012! (That's more than double the number we ... Читать далее »

2и Янв 2013
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