SSL Certificates Change

We are announcing a change in how we offer SSL certificates moving forward. While we still believe your site should have a certificate, we are no longer issuing them automatically for free.

The cost will be very minimal and we'll be moving to a 90-day certificate which you can add onto any existing hosting plan.

These certificates will be domain validated, so any browser that's newer than 2013 (seriously, upgrade if you're using one that old!) will understand and accept the certificate.

The reasoning for this change is that many sites were using the certificates but had hard-linked resources going over HTTP, as a result, browsers would come up with the "parts of this site are insecure" message and throw doubt on the connection security.

If you're interested in an SSL certificate, please use our contact form or open a ticket by emailing support@...

If you're concerned about insecure messages following the certificate, we would be happy to review your site and/or make the needed edits.

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