Thinking about a one-page site? Don’t!

One-page sites seem to be popping up everywhere, but the latest trend isn't always the most effective one. Here are some reasons why...

-You lose out on "SEO juice". With a one page site you only have a single page for keywords, content, and descriptions. However, search engines like when you have different keywords on different pages. One page forces you to use the same keywords on the same page for all your content.

-Navigation gets confusing. People like to browse websites, with one page it simply looks like you have no content, just a long scrolling page. Websites that use a single-page design often look small or quickly set up. The last thing you want is to look like a fly-by-night company.

-Sub menus are not possible. It's virtually impossible to make a drop-down menu with a one-page site because of how the navigation works. It's designed to scroll, not switch between pages. In addition to the menu, you lose out on having other things like a separate blog page without further confusing visitors.

The list goes on, but the main point here is that hopping on the bandwagon for the latest technology (web or otherwise) should be carefully compared to what the future might bring. For example, more business apps are going to be a definite thing of the future, but one-page design may burn out in 6 months or less.

Side Note: This article is directed mainly at websites using one-page design for a primary website, single page layouts can be quite effective if used only for a landing page.

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